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VNO-NCW put NOVA DELTA on the agenda

The Dutch employers’ federation VNO-NCW, in its item on the Sustainable Urban Delta, pays attention to Nova Delta, as a project in which the North Sea is treated as part of the Delta. Intention of this project is to integrate and combine initiatives and developments at sea, as is proposed by the ministries of Infrastructure & Environment and Economic Affaires in the North Sea Region Agenda 2050.

Image: Fabian Krausz

Important for the new term of government is that this project will be raised to a more concrete level. First of all, by starting a design study in which different integration themes will be examined in more detail, such as seaweed cultivation within the structure of wind farms, or a marine reserve in combination with clean-up of old oil platforms. Out of this study a concrete and realistic plan should be drawn that puts the Netherlands forward as a safe and progressive Sustainable Urban Delta.

The same governments, but also large companies in oil or wind, have to address this now. By including it in the next coalition and by actually acting upon that.


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