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Eerste prijs voor tender Jiangnan Waterfront Settlement Framework!

We zijn verheugd te verkondigen dat ons ontwerpteam AS+P, EADG en SMARTLAND landscape architects de eerste prijs hebben gewonnen voor de ontwikkeling van een Jiangnan Waterfront Settlement Framework. Een visie op het wonen in de laaggelegen delta van de Yantgze Rivier.


On December 29, 2020, the first tender of the Yangtze River Delta Integration Demonstration Zone was held. The goal was to design a world class development framework for waterfront settlements in the Jiangnan Watertown Living Room Pilot Zone

The tender lasted four months. Our design team led by German AS+P (together with EADG Pan Asia International and Dutch SMARTLAND landscape architects stood out from 86 design companies from 12 countries/regions and became one of five shortlisted finalists.

In the end our team has won the first prize in this international tender!

The full list of awards is as follows (the same awards are ranked in no particular order):

The design proposals will be published soon!


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