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Vision Amsterdam Bay Area

The Amsterdam Bay Area encompasses the northeastern sector of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, within the sphere of influence of the IJmeer. This area harmonizes the intense urban landscape of western Netherlands with the IJsselmeer, forming the Blue Heart of the country. The challenge lies in merging urbanisation with existing qualities and vulnerabilities of aquatic ecosystems while presenting an opportunity to create distinctive living spaces and enhance the overall ecosystem.

The Amsterdam Bay Area study, an amalgamation of spatial research projects, including infrastructure and urbanisation initiatives, envisions a comprehensive landscape strategy for the region's development over the next 30 years. The study was carried out by urban planning Bureau Urhahn and provides a development strategy for the next 30 years.

Smartland designed the strategy focussing on the themes Ecology and Landscape, which serve as foundational pillars for various perspectives, shaping an action plan for the water-rich eastern flank of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. It includes expanding shallow waters, enhancing recreational use of water and shores and improving the relationship between waters inside and outside the dykes.

Location: Amsterdam Bay, NL

Type: Research, masterplan and vision

Client: Metropolitan Region of Amsterdam (MRA), Almere municipality

Team: Urhahn, Smartland


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